Friday, September 29, 2017

The Fantastic Four

Dear Room 230 Families,

We had another wonderful week, filled with enthusiasm, kindness and increased community cohesion. 

Thanks to all who participated in Back to School Night. The second grade team is working to compose answers to your questions and will send those home soon. I also plan add a tab to my website with Back to School night info, including the thoughtful ideas shared that night regarding what families are doing and what the school can do to help students achieve their hopes and dreams. I will let you know when you can access this information. 


Fall conferences: Please sign up for a fall conference at your earliest convenience. At this conference, we will discuss your child's transition to second grade, look at work together and plan for a successful second grade year. Click HERE to to go to our fall conference sign up on the sign-ups page on my website.

WishlistI’ll be posting items to our classroom wish list when there is a specific need or wish that would help enhance learning in our classroom. The items posted will likely change throughout the year, but for now they are mostly books that will enrich our classroom’s independent reading and read aloud libraries. If you are curious, you’ll always be able to find it through our classroom’s Sign Ups page. Click HERE to go there.


Tuesday, 10/3Flu clinic coming to Memorial-Spaulding. Click HERE for more information.

Saturday 10/7Triple Threat Obstacle Challenge Click HERE  for more information.

Monday 10/9: NO SCHOOL - Columbus Day

Tuesday, 10/10: Picture Day. Coffee Pond will be at Memorial-Spaulding on 10/10 for picture day. Our class is signed up to have our individual and class pictures taken at 10:30. If you would like to pre-pay for an individual picture, please use either the order form sent home in your child's folder or you can order directly online. Click HERE to order directly online. All children receive a complimentary class picture.



now what?  Check out this helpful resource for families.  Click HERE


Ask me about...
  • some things readers should do before opening a book to get ready to read (look at the cover, read and think about the title, think about what you already know about the topic/book)...model these things when you are reading together  
  • what I can do when I come to a word in my reading that I don't know...have your child show you how they do this, just as Daria demonstrated in class.
  • what I know about seeds (we dissected seeds this week and learned about the different parts) and how seeds travel (seed dispersal). 
  • my ideas for small moment stories that give me strong feelings. Also, please help me remember more of these moments so that I have lots of ideas to choose from for my small moment story writing. Some students brought home their heart maps in their folders to work on over the weekend. They should think about small moments that they have experienced that gave them string feelings. For a list of these strong feelings that be brainstormed as a class, click HERE
  • what is a glued sound and what are bonus letters. Click HERE for the family fundations letters. We are working in unit 2.
  • how we work with partners at school
  • what I know about a number grid. Click HERE for some printable number grid puzzles to work on together. 
  • my first math assessment...what I felt comfortable with and what was more challenging for me with the parts that were more challenging


Looking forward, we will:
  • continue to learn more about one another and develop routines around how we will cooperatively work together this year.
  • learn new ways to use post-its while reading, such as to mark times when we are using our reading moves (such as making predictions, connections, or word solving skills)...up until this point we have only used post-its to mark parts that are interesting to us and we want to share.
  • learn how to grow our tiny topics into whole stories during writer's workshop. 
  • collect and sort seeds by how we think they travel...begin to develop ideas around what makes certain seeds suitable for different methods of travel
  • practice our addition and subtraction within 20...2nd grade students are expected to be fluent in facts to 10 now and to 20 by the end of the year. In this case, fluent means that students can flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately apply calculation skills to arrive at the answer. Click HERE if you would like more information about fluency and what it means.  

Have a great weekend!