Friday, September 15, 2017

Woohoo! We rocked week 2!

Dear Room 230 Families,

We had a wonderful second week of second grade. This week's focus was on continuing to learn routines while becoming exposed to early second grade curriculum. We also worked to write our hopes and dreams for second grade.  


Thursday, 9/21: NO SCHOOL - Rosh Hoshana

Monday 9/25ASCA begins

Please notify me in writing if you decide to enroll your child in the PTO's After School Creative Arts Program (ASCA) as this will affect dismissal plans. Please visit the ASCA site if you are interested in learning more or registering for classes.

Tuesday, 9/26Flu clinic coming to Memorial-Spaulding. Click HERE for more information.

Wednesday 9/27: EARLY RELEASE DAY - 12:30 dismissal

Wednesday 9/27: Back to School Night/Open House - more information TBA. 

Saturday 10/7: Triple Threat Obstacle Challenge Click HERE  for more information.



A list of contacts is often requested by families who wish to organize play dates or whole class gatherings (e.g., picnics, birthday parties) for students in our classroom. Unfortunately, teachers are not permitted to share families' contact information with other families. Instead, please use the PTO's family directory


Please email me ( if you know that your child will be late or will be absent on any given day. Thanks!


The tree near the art room is not for children to climb after school. The tree is sustaining damage from children climbing – and we have had a few children injured. The school is not liable for any injuries sustained while climbing the tree.


All bus riders should complete the Bus Behavior Contract.  Each bus rider was given a copy of the contract to read and sign. If your child rides the bus and has not yet completed the contract. Please click HERE to download – and send to school with your child.


Our afternoon buses are nearly full. Therefore there is no room for additional “hop on” riders. If your child is planning a play date with a friend and s/he does not normally ride on the same bus as your child, please make sure you arrange for transportation – other than the school bus.


Please send in a full change of labeled clothes (pants, shirt, underwear, and socks) in a labeled plastic bag that will be kept in your child’s locker. Accidents happen (once, I spilled an ENTIRE bottle of pain on myself!) and it's so helpful to have a quick solution without having to search the building for some extra clothes. Thanks!   


In this section, I will include information from previous weeks that it appears not all families have read and understood. If you ever have any questions about anything found in this newsletter, please ask! The best way to reach me is through email:


This year, your child eats lunch at the early hour of 11 a.m., so we will eat our snack in the afternoon. The once exception to this is on Tuesday when we will eat snack in the morning because lunch is not served at school. Our daily schedule allows 15 minutes for snack + recess each day. Fresh air and exercise are as important as food and water for everyone so my goal is to have snack outdoors as many days as possible. Our class will sit together for the first minutes to eat, then after they clean up their space, we will play! Please send in a simple snack in a snack bag each day. One example of a simple snack = water + a piece of fruit + a granola bar. Also, only send in water to drink. Juice, Gatorade, soda will not be permitted as snack beverages in our classroom. If your child brings in something to drink other than water, they will take it home, unopened. Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to make this short break in our academic day as healthy as possible.


Ask me about...
  • my hope and dream(s) for second grade.
  • how I feel about my reading stamina. 
  • what is my favorite reading spot in my classroom and are there any others that I would like to try out.
  • my favorite reading memory (and share your's too!).
  • digraphs and blends - How are they similar and how are they different? Click HERE to read our Fundations family letters. Please read pages 1-5 to learn about what fundations is and our work in the orientation section and unit 1.
  • what we did with coins. For more information about counting money, click HERE for an article about teaching your child to count money and HERE for an online game that your child can play to practice counting money.
  • what I learned about my brain when we read Your Fantastic Elastic Brain.
  • any fun games or songs we learned/played/sang this week.
  • some things I learned about my new classmates, my teachers or any new friends I have made this week through our brown bag shares and fortune teller scavenger hunt.
  • my volcano - What does it mean to erupt and what can I do to help prevent an eruption?


Looking forward, we will:

  • continue to learn more about one another and develop routines around how we will cooperatively work together this year.
  • use our hopes and dreams and a conversation about the Constitution (If you are interested in leanring more about Constitution Day on 9/17, click HERE). 
  • continue to launch Reader's Workshop by learning workshop routines, learning how to choose just right books and learning some expected reading behaviors.
  • begin our first writing unit about small moment stories, which as true stories that capture a moment in time that gave us strong feelings.
  • begin our first science unit - how seeds travel.
  • continue reviewing first grade math concepts, such as grouping by 10s and how to use a number grid. 

Have a wonderful weekend!