Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Post 3

 Ask me about:

 - What is mindfulness? What does a mindful body look and sound like? What is your mindful challenge this week?

- What seeds will you by studying in science? What did you notice about these seeds that you observed today?

- What are number grid puzzles? Maybe your child can create one for you to solve!

Parent Volunteers: I am looking for parent volunteers to help with with photocopying, laminating and cutting materials, organizing materials, fixing classroom library books, etc. I also have some tasks that can be done outside of school, such as helping with the Scholastic Book Order, helping to organize our classroom library by labeling books, and picking up photos for our class from CVS for those who would like to volunteer, but are not available during school hours. If you wish to volunteer to help with these kinds of things, please email to coordinate a time. 

Reminder: Tomorrow is an early release day. School ends at 12:30. Please plan accordingly.