Friday, December 9, 2016

Post 13


December 23, 2016: On the last day before vacation,the second grade will be engaging in a special project and we need your help with procuring materials. Please visit our sign-up if you would be willing to donate. Thanks!!

December 26-January 2: NO SCHOOL - December recess - School resumes on Tuesday, 1/3


Wow wordsPlease continue to help your child gather new words each week and bring them in on Wow Word Wednesday. Here are links to an online dictionary (Merriam Webster for kids - Word Central) and our wow word worksheet in case you need a new one.


In reading we
  • Worked in our research groups.
  • Engaged in book talks about books dealing with friendship and inclusion.  
At home, ask your child what inclusion means to them.   

In Fundations (Word Study) we: 
  • Practiced breaking up multisyllablic words into parts.    
At home, Please refer to the Unit 5 family letter to learn how you can support our word study work at home. Also, look though the fundations - word study section on my website. There, you will find all of the first and second grade trick words. If your child needs practice with these words, please practice through activities such as playing bingo, memory or through reviewing them on flashcards. Here is a link to a great website with different sight word games that you might like to try. Finally, please check your child's homework each night with them to see if they are grasping the fundations concepts that they are practicing. If they are not, please let me know by writing down your observations on the back of the homework sheet, but also feel free to help teach them concepts they are not grasping. 

Next week, we will continue reading and forming multisyllabic words from 2 closed syllables.   

In writing we: 
  • Began writing informational books.  
At home, help your child think about topics in which they are experts. Talk with them about the different parts of their topic that they could write about. These parts will become their chapters.

In math we:
  • Continued work on our project-based math unit called Measuring for the Art Show. We used the open number line to solve problems requiring double digit addition. Please refer to the math practices section of our website to learn about how this will be taught in second grade and how we would like you teach teach your child at home.  
In Social Studies we:
  • finished our study of the United States. We talked about jazz and the foods we eat the US, determining that even though there are typical American foods, we don't all eat these foods. We culminated by writing a poem about America.
Here it is:

America is…

A free country
A melting pot
A democracy
A place to learn
The 3rd largest country
A community
50 states
A part of the world
A good place to live
A strong army

America is my home.
  • Next week, we are off to Mexico!

Enjoy your weekend!